Submissions 2023

​The Amending the Aboriginal Lands Act 1995 Additional Consultation Paper was released on 23 December 2022. (For details and links, see Aboriginal Lands Act​.) 

The time for submis​​sions formally closed on 12 March 2023.  All submissions are available for viewing below.

Note that, for the sake of a complete record, any further submissions received will also be made available here.

A small number of submissions will not be published, either on the request of the submitter, or due to the submission containing offensive or defamatory material.

 1 - Hank Horton (PDF 48Kb)

 2 - James Lockheed (PDF 156Kb)

 3 - Rebecca Hope (PDF 139Kb)

 4 - Julie Jones (PDF 139Kb)

 5 - Ashlee Murray (PDF 55Kb)

 6 - Debarah Lee Moon (PDF 94Kb)​

 7 - Caitlin Simms (PDF 101Kb)

 8 - Bryan Greatrex (PDF 101Kb)

 9 - Peter Rowe (PDF 125Kb)​

 10 - Brad Glover (PDF 101Kb)

 11 - Kerrin Rutherford (PDF 140Kb)

 12 - James and Isaiah Columbine (PDF 146Kb)​

 13 - Maxine Wolf (PDF 140Kb)

 14 - James Langley (PDF 157Kb)

 15 - Adam Lockley (PDF 157Kb)

 16 - Suzie Smith (PDF 136Kb)

 17 - Nunami Sculthorpe-Green (PDF 109Kb)

 18 - Sarah Wilcox (PDF 597Kb)

 19 - Tasmanian Electoral Commission (PDF 3Mb)

 20 - David Lowery (PDF 92Kb)

 21 - Kitana Mansell (PDF 71Kb)

 22 - Devonport AHS (PDF 114Kb)

 23 - Tasmanian Forest Products Association (PDF 205Kb)

 24 - Emerenna Burgess (PDF 125Kb)

 25 - Brumby Hill Aboriginal Corporation (PDF 704Kb)

 26 - Linda Richards (PDF 139Kb)

 27 - Mara Melaythenner Aboriginal Corporation (PDF 148Kb)​

 28 - Jim Everett-puralia meenamatta (PDF 186Kb)

 29 - Tasmanian Aboriginal Centre (PDF 216Kb)

 30 - Oliver Domhnallach (PDF 138Kb)​

 31 - Circular Head Aboriginal Corporation (PDF 148Kb)​

 32 - Linda Seaborn (PDF 131Kb)

 33 - Daisy AI (PDF 45Kb)

 34 - Sara Maynard (PDF 109Kb)

 35 - Sky Maynard and Nathan Maynard (PDF 109Kb)

 36 - Response to December 2022 Consultation Paper (PDF 121Kb)

 37 - Tasmanian Minerals, Manufacturing and Energy Council (PDF 1Mb)

 38 - Bianca Templar (PDF 79Kb)

 39 - Noiheener Aboriginal Community Corporation (PDF 103Kb)

 41 - Thomas Riley (PDF 171Kb)

 42 - Kylie MacFarlane (PDF 49Kb)

 43 - Kerry Sculthorpe and Maggie Walter (PDF 1Mb)

 44 - Oli Scholz (PDF 70Kb)

 45 - Oliver Pelling (PDF 139Kb)

 46 - Alison Willson (PDF 48Kb)

 47 - Tai Hapimana (PDF 2Mb)

 48 - June Sculthorpe (PDF 124Kb)

 50 - Mike Wilson (PDF 124Kb)

 51 - Rochelle Godwin (PDF 138Kb)

 52 - Sally Elliott (PDF 498Kb)

 53 - Kelly Burke (PDF 503Kb)

 55 - Jarrod Farrelly (PDF 142Kb)

 56 - Lyndon ONeil (PDF 84Kb)

 57 - Melythina tiakana warrana AC (PDF 415Kb)

 58 - Lia Pootah Aboriginal Corporation (PDF 947Kb)​​

 59 - Bruce Patmore (PDF 275Kb)


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