Amending the Aboriginal Lands Act

​​​​​​​​Final consultation on the reform process: release of the draft Aboriginal Lands Amen​dment Bill 2023 

This is the final stage of consultation in the Government’s process for improving the model for returning land to the Aboriginal people of Tasmania.  Preparation of the draft Bill has taken into account all the feedback that has been received. The draft exposure Bill was released to allow consideration of the details and provide the opportunity to comment.  

The Bill was released for a six (6) week consultation period. Submissions closed on Tuesday 19 September 2023.

​To support consideration of this draft Bill, which is necessarily somewhat technical, the following documents were made available:

These notes present a brief summary of the Bill as a whole and provide details about each provision in the Bill and how each is intended to operate. 

The background to this process, including the various papers issued since 2018 and the submissions to the consultations in 2022, can be found on the background and previous consultation page.

Note on priva​cy and copyright information 

In accord with government policy, with minor exceptions we publish all submissions made. Other than as indicated below, submissions are treated as public information and will be published on our website.

Important information to note​

Your name (or the name of the organisation) will be published unless you request otherwise. No personal information other than those names will be published.

If you would like your submission treated as confidential, whether in whole or in part, please indicate this at the time of making your submission, clearly identifying the parts of your submission you want to remain confidential and the reasons why. In this case, your submission will not be published to the extent of that request. 

In the absence of a clear indication that a submission (or parts of it) is intended to be treated as confidential, the Department will treat the submission as public.

Copyright in submissions remains with the author(s), not with the Tasmanian Government.

The Department will not publish, in whole or in part, submissions containing defamatory or offensive material. If your submission includes information that could enable the identification of other individuals, then either all or parts of the submission will not be published.

Right to information

Information provided is subject to the Right to Information Act 2009. If you have indicated that you wish for all or part of your submission to be treated as confidential, this will be taken into account by the Department in determining whether or not the information is exempt from disclosure in the event that it is subject to an application for assessed disclosure under the Right to Information Act. The Department may contact you during this process.


For further information on the review of the Aboriginal Lands Act please contact the Aboriginal Legislation Team at: AboriginalLandsAct​​​

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