The first section of this module introduces the Tasmanian Wilderness World Heritage Area and its cultural importance not only for Tasmanian Aboriginal people, but on the world stage.
The second section looks at your legal obligations.
The third section of this module looks at the role of Aboriginal Heritage Tasmania.
In the next sections of this module, we meet “Rosie and Bob” who will navigate the Aboriginal Heritage Assessment Process and show you how to ensure Aboriginal heritage is considered during planning for works or activities.
Also during this section, you will be introduced to some of the types of Tasmanian Aboriginal heritage and how to identify and report Aboriginal heritage.
The final section of this module is an assessment for you to complete.
As you work through this module there are a number of knowledge checks. These are an opportunity to practice and apply what you have learnt. How you answer these is not part of the final assessment.
At the completion of this module it is expected that you will be able to: