Aboriginal Heritage Council Meeting

On 24 September 2021, Council discussed the Consultation Guide and Checklist document currently being developed. Council hopes the Consultation Guide will improve the standard of consultation and engagement​ undertaken by proponents with the Aboriginal Community.

Members discussed the final draft of the inaugural Year in Review document, which will be published and provided to stakeholders, and made available on the Council website by late October 2021.

Council also considered five new permits. Following robust discussions and considering the advice of the consulting archaeologists and Aboriginal Heritage Officers for each application, Council chose to not oppose four permits.  Members recommended that conditions be placed on two of the permits. Conditions placed on one permit was to ensure the identification and safe transportation of artefacts and conditions on the other recommended that an artefact be moved to a natural location on the property. One Permit application was opposed by Council. Council had opposed this application at a previous meeting and reiterated their position on the Permit application. ​

Council received​ a presentation from Aboriginal Heritage Tasmania staff on the TWWHA Guide to Interpretation and Presentation. The Guide outlines a standard for interpretation works occurring within the TWWHA and aims for greater involvement from the Aboriginal Community in the design and installation of Aboriginal interpretation. 

Staff from the Parks and Wildlife Service presented to Council on the revised​ Maria Island Management Plan. The previous Management Plan was developed with little to no consideration of Aboriginal heritage and currently there is no Aboriginal heritage interpretation on the island. Extensive research and consultation was undertaken in relation to the Aboriginal heritage of the island, and submitted to the Parks and Wildlife Service, identifying a number of priority actions. 

The next meeting of the Aboriginal Heritage Council will be held on 29 October 2021 in Hobart.​