Call for Expressions of Interest: Membership of the Tasmanian Aboriginal Heritage Council

​​​​​The Aboriginal Heritage Council is a 10-member Statutory Council established under the Aboriginal Heritage Act 1975. Membership comprises appropriately skilled and qualified Tasmanian Aboriginal people. Council members are appointed by the Governor on the recommendation of the Minister for terms of up to three years. 

The Council provides advice and recommendations to the Minister for Aboriginal Affairs on a broad range of matters relating to Aboriginal heritage, including permits for activities that will impact heritage and the management of Aboriginal cultural values in the Tasmanian Wilderness World Heritage Area. The Council also supports the development of information materials to inform the public and key stakeholders about the Aboriginal Heritage Act 1975, and best practice for managing Aboriginal heritage. 

The Tasmanian Government is committed to progressing a new, stronger, Tasmanian Aboriginal Cultural Heritage Protection Act, and an Exposure Draft Bill will be made available for public comment in the coming months. The Aboriginal Heritage Council is an important stakeholder in the development of the new Act.

The Tasmanian Government is currently seeking nominations from Tasmanian Aboriginal people to be appointed to the Council. Nominations are encouraged from Aboriginal people with knowledge or experience in Tasmanian Aboriginal cultural heritage and management, cultural values presentation and interpretation, understanding of relevant legislation and associated regulatory and assessment processes and/or governance experience. 
Appointments to the Aboriginal Heritage Council are remunerated. Meetings are held in Hobart and reimbursement of reasonable travel expenses can be made. 

Potential applicants will need to commit a minimum of one day a month for Council meetings, and appropriate time to review and prepare for meetings. Meetings generally occur on the last Friday of each month. The Council is supported by Aboriginal Heritage Tasmania in the Department of Premier and Cabinet. 

A Council member must be an Aboriginal person who is eligible under the Tasmanian Government's policy on Eligibility for Tasmanian Government Aboriginal and Torres Strait Islander programs and services. For further information regarding eligibility please contact Aboriginal Partnerships in the Department of Premier and Cabinet on (03)​​​6232 7569 or​.

For application requirements refer to the application form below.  For further information about the application process email​, or call (03)​6232 7893.   

Submit applications to by 15 September 2024.

Eligibility form

 Tasmanian Government Aboriginal and Torres Strait Islander programs and services - eligibility form (PDF 215Kb)​

Application form

 AH Council - EoI application form - 2024 (PDF 256Kb)

​Go to​ for information about the Aboriginal Heritage Council.