The Aboriginal Heritage Council met for their regular monthly meeting on Friday 15 December 2023 in Hobart.
The Council considered a total of seven permit applications under the Aboriginal Heritage Act 1975. Three permit applications had been previously presented, but further information had been requested by Council to inform their considerations. Ultimately, Council agreed not to oppose six permit applications and oppose one on the basis that alternatives were available to the applicant.
TasWater returned to Council to provide an update on the Macquarie Point Relocation Project. TasWater initially came to present to Council at the September 2023 meeting. Part of this project involves the construction of a pipeline between the proposed Macquarie Point pump station to a redeveloped Selfs Point Sewerage treatment plant. The proposed alignment largely follows Lower Domain Road and an Aboriginal heritage assessment has confirmed a high likelihood of intersecting with a number of Aboriginal Heritage sites. At this meeting, TasWater informed Council of substantial modifications made to the proposed pipeline alignment. This was in response to the strong feedback provided by Council at the initial briefing in September.
The next Aboriginal Heritage Council meeting will be on Friday 23 February 2024 in Hobart.