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  • Aboriginal Heritage Council Meeting

Aboriginal Heritage Council Meeting

Last published: 17/12/2020

At its meeting of 6 November 2020, Council considered three permit applications. 

Council postponed consideration of the first permit, submitted by the Clarence City Council. Council members will request a site visit to gain a greater understanding of the location of the proposed development and the potential impacts to Aboriginal heritage values.

A Council majority did not oppose the second permit, submitted by the Parks and Wildlife Service and resolved to consider the third permit, from a private individual, out of session. Members subsequently determined, by majority, not to oppose this permit.

Council also received an update on the progress of the Review of the Aboriginal Heritage Act 1975 and on current projects undertaken by Aboriginal Heritage Tasmania in the Tasmanian Wilderness World Heritage Area (TWWHA). 

The Aboriginal Heritage Council’s last meeting for the year will be on 11 December 2020. The first meeting of 2021 is scheduled for 26 February 2020.