
​​​​​​​​​The statutory Aboriginal Heritage Council was established under the Aboriginal Heritage Act 1975  in August 2017. The Council replaced the non-statutory Aboriginal Heritage Council that had been advising Ministers since 2012.

All members of the Council are from the Tasmanian Aboriginal community and have knowledge and experience in Aboriginal heritage management.

The Aboriginal Heritage Council provides advice and recommendations to the Minister for Aboriginal Affairs, the Director of National Parks and Wildlife, and stakeholders on the protection and management of Aboriginal heritage in Tasmania.

The Council also provides advice to the Department of Natural Resources and Environment Tasmania​ on the relevant Key Desired Outcomes (KDOs) included in the Tasmanian Wilderness World Heritage Area (TWWHA) Management Plan 2016.  The Council acknowledges that there is significant potential for projects to benefit the Aboriginal community and visitors in managing, interpreting and engaging with our cultural values in the TWWHA.

The Aboriginal Heritage Council also continues to provide advice to guide and support the review of the Aboriginal Heritage Act 1975, which commenced in June 2019.

The Aboriginal Heritage Council takes a partnership approach in developing measures to promote community understanding and awareness of Aboriginal heritage in Tasmania.

The Council's views are increasingly sought on a broad range of Aboriginal heritage matters including land and coastal management, academic research projects and legislative changes.

Year in Review

The Aboriginal Heritage Council’s Year in Review reflects on the Council’s activities over the financial year and outlines the Council’s work with stakeholders and the community. The Year in Review is not a traditional “corporate” Annual Report; rather, in addition to describing the Council’s membership and statutory responsibilities, it also provides an outline of the issues important to the Council, its position on these matters, and the Council’s priorities.

Council members hope that the Year in Review will raise awareness of the Council and transparency about the work that the Council undertakes. Additionally, members hope that it will result in increased awareness and promotion of Aboriginal cultural heritage values and their management and improve pathways for engagement with the Council for the Aboriginal Community and the broader community.

The Council welcomes feedback. It helps us to know what we are doing well and what changes we need to make. Feedback can be directed to aboriginalheritagecouncil@heritage.tas.gov.au​

Year in Review 2022-23 (new website only version​​​)​

Year in Review 2021-22 (PDF 2Mb)

Year in Review 2020-21 (PDF 2Mb)

Council Briefing Form

To present a propsal to the Council complete the Aboriginal Heritage Council Briefing Form and submit it to the Council via email at aboriginalheritagecouncil@heritage.tas.gov.au​ for consideration.

 Aboriginal Heritage Council Briefing (DOCX 152Kb)​