Assessment Process

​​​​​​​​​​​​​​​​​​​​​​​​​​​​​​​​​​​​​​​​​​​​​​​​​​​​​​​​​​​​​​​​​​​​​​​​​​​​​This page provides a simplified version of the assessment process. Each step contains the relevant information, forms and documents. 

For a detailed version of this process:

  Aboriginal Heritage Standards and Procedures   (842Kb)

Step 1. Co​nd​uct Property Search

Use the Aboriginal Heritage Property Search​ website or the Before You Dig Australia website to determine if your project activity may impact Aboriginal relics. ​​
There are three (3) possible responses from the Aboriginal Heritage Property Search website or the Before You Dig Australia website:

​​No registered Aboriginal relics or apparent risk of impacting Aboriginal relics has 
been found 

Please save a copy of the search record and proceed with your project activity. No further action is requried.

​Important, please note: Obtaining a Search Record does not exempt a person from their responsibilities under the Aboriginal Heritage Act 1975. If at any stage during your activity there is an unanticipated discovery of Aboriginal heritage, it must be reported to Aboriginal Heritage Tasmania and the process outlined in the Unanticipated Discovery Plan followed.

There may be registered Aboriginal relics or a risk of impacting Aboriginal relics

​Complete an Aboriginal Heritage Desktop Review form and submit to

 Aboriginal Heritage Desktop Review (DOCX 99Kb)

The search was not able to be processed automatically 

Complete an Aboriginal Heritage Desktop Review form and submit to​

Step 2. ​Submit an Aboriginal Heritage Desktop Review request

If you submitted an Aboriginal Heritage Desktop Review form as result of one of the outcomes from Step 1, Aboriginal Heritage Tasmania staff will review the application and advise one of the following:

No further assessment

Please save a copy of the Record of Advice and proceed with your activity. No further action is required. 

Important, please note: Obtaining a Record of Advice does not exempt a person from their responsibilities under the Aboriginal Heritage Act 1975. If at any stage during your activity there is an unanticipated discovery of Aboriginal heritage, it must be reported to Aboriginal Heritage Tasmania and the process outlined in the Unanticipated Discovery Plan followed.

 An Aboriginal Heritage Assessment is recommended​ 

​See Step 3 for further information. 


Step 3. Undertake an Aboriginal Heritage Assessment 

An assessment is recommended where it is likely that Aboriginal heritage will be impacted. Through an on-ground field assessment, an Aboriginal heritage consultant will determine whether the proposed project, activity or related infrastructure will impact on Aboriginal heritage. Aboriginal heritage consultants produce an Aboriginal Heritage Assessment Report, which provides avoidance and mitigation advice to help you in meeting your responsibilities under the Aboriginal Heritage Act 1975. 

To find an Aboriginal heritage consultants see our list of consulting archaeologists and consulting Aboriginal Heritage Officers​.

The consultants will use the Search Request Form to request information from Aboriginal Heritage Tasmania regarding previous heritage assessments and registered Aboriginal heritage sites that fall within the project area. The consultants will record any new heritage sites using the Aboriginal Heritage Site Recording Form prior to submitting an Aboriginal Heritage Assessment Report:

Step 4. Review of Aboriginal Heritage Assessment Report

Aboriginal Heritage Tasmania will review the assessment report generated by the Aboriginal heritage consultants and advise one of two outcomes from this report:

There are no impacts to Aboriginal heritage, or impacts have been avoided. No permit is required 

​Please save a copy of the Record of Advice and proceed with your activity. No further action is required.​ 

Important, please note: Obtaining a Record of Advice does not exempt a person from their responsibilities under the Aboriginal Heritage Act 1975. If at any stage during your activity there is an unanticipated discovery of Aboriginal heritage, it must be reported to Aboriginal Heritage Tasmania and the process outlined in the Unanticipated Discovery Plan followed.

 Aboriginal heritage will be impacted, a permit is required to proceed

​​If impacts to Aboriginal heritage cannot be avoided, you must apply for a permit under the Aboriginal Heritage Act 1975 prior to works proceeding. Submit a Permit Application to

Step 5. Permit Application

Aboriginal Heritage Tasmania and the Aboriginal Heritage Council will consider your permit application. The Director of National Parks and Wildlife will make a recommendation to the Minister, who will then make a determination. 

There are two possible outcomes from this process:

The permit is granted by the Minister 

​​Your activity may proceed under the conditions set out in the permit. 

Important, please note: If at any stage during your activity there is an unanticipated discovery of Aboriginal heritage, which is not covered by the permit terms, it must be reported to Aboriginal Heritage Tasmania and the process outlined in the Unanticipated Discovery Plan followed.

​​​The permit is not granted 

​​​Please contact Aboriginal Heritage Tasmania​ to discuss options.

Flowchart of Assessment Process

To assist in understanding this assessment process please find the following flowchart:

 Flowchart of Aboriginal Heritage Assessment Procedure (PDF 50Kb)​


Aboriginal Heritage Tasmania
GPO Box 123
Hobart TAS 7001
Phone: 1300 487 045

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