About Us

​​​​​​Aboriginal Heritage Tasmania aims to protect and promote Tasmania’s unique Aborigina​l heritage and facilitate the return of land to Tasmania’s Aboriginal people. Aboriginal Heritage Tasmania administers the Aboriginal H​eritage Act 1975​, which establishes the Aboriginal Heritage Council of Tasmania, the Aboriginal Lands Act 1995, which establishes the Aboriginal Land Council of Tasmania, and the Native Title (Tasmania) Act 1994.  

Aboriginal Heritage Tasmania oversees the implementation of the Aboriginal cultural management outcomes of the Tasmanian Wilderness World Heritage Area (TWWHA) Management Plan 2016. Aboriginal Heritage Tasmania provides ongoing support of cultural values management in the TWWHA. 

A range of opportunities is provided for Aboriginal people to access the TWWHA and its resources, to pursue cultural activities and to actively participate in management of the area. 

In this Topic

  • Routine Disclosures
    Disclosure information for Aboriginal Heritage Tasmania includes Before You Dig Australia Referrals, completed Aboriginal Heritage Assessments and Permit Applications.
  • Aboriginal Heritage Register
    Aboriginal Heritage Register


Aboriginal Heritage Tasmania
GPO Box 44
Hobart TAS 7001
Phone: 1300 487 045
Email: aboriginal@heritage.tas.gov.au